It's been a very long time since I've kept an on-line diary but here we are again. This is a place for me to share whatever thoughts I feel like sharing and talk about whatever projects I am doing. I'm normally more used to diaryland but I think this might be a new place for me to unwind mentally and get all introspective with my bad self! mwahahah.....
I have so many creative projects on the go right now that it feels good to create a space where I can share them and talk about them and focus on them. Creatively I like to stretch myself and challenge myself as often as I can and this is a new place for me to do that. Reclaim is the word. I have ALOT of diaries and journals, some are more creative than others and some are just word and paper but this one is meant to be shared so I'll do my best on that one. The nature of a diary is quite confessional in itself and I have always said that I think they are hugely beneficial for anyone that invests in them. It doesn't have to be every day, your diary can be your sketchbook, your canvas, making a place in your life to be still with your thoughts. I have kept a diary since I was 14 and I love re-reading the transitions I have travelled in my lifetime. I have looked back and seen myself grow and become the person I am today and there is something in the nature of actually reading through your previous days that helps me to fully take stock of the lessons I've learned. A good friend once said to me that "hindsight is 20-20" and she was right. Looking back you can see who you were and who you were on your way to becoming.
Im not going to get too nostalgic on you but I am going to ask you to remind yourself, periodically, about how far you have come. About how much you have grown. About how much you have loved. Take every step forward with the knowledge that you have earned it, with the knowledge that you have figured alot out, all on your own. No one is asking you to be "there", to be "sorted", just aware that you have grown.
All my heart,
Ryan x